Credit of $1.99

Starting Time: 2025.2.26 0:00 [UTC-8]
Credit $1.99 or more for the first time, and you can receive a Deluxe Gilding Promo Pack (B).
After completing the first credit of $1.99 or more, you must promptly claim your rewards on this event page. Otherwise, after 7 days (inclusive), no rewards will be issued.
Then find Lorraine in the market (220,630) to claim your rewards.
Each server only supports one character on that server to participate in the event and receive the prize. Please choose and bind your character carefully.
All rewards are bound and can only be claimed and used once per account on a single server.
This event only counts EP purchases via credit in the client and in the official website. Redeem Point Card, Purchases of packs, Weekly/Monthly Cards, Dragon Vaults, Solar/Star Right, etc., are not within the scope of this event.
Characters that are suspended cannot participate in this event. Only 5 accounts per day are allowed to participate from the same IP address.
The first-credit data may be delayed. If you have already made your first credit of $1.99 or more and have not yet unlocked the gift pack, please wait 15 minutes before trying again. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Deluxe Gilding Promo Pack (B): After opening, you will receive 1 40-Star Kitty Selection Box (B), 1 All-Elements +4 Equipment Box (B), 1 Brilliant Merit Box (B), 5 million Gold, 1 Lotus Lamp Pet Card (B), 1 Eudemon Growth Box (B), 10,000 Star Points, 1 Luxury Fire Flame Box (B), 1 Legend Rune (B), 10 P5 Gift EXP Stones (B), 3 P4 Promotion Stones (B), and 3 Blessing Stars (B).
Item | Introduction |
All-Elements +4 Equipment Box (B) | Open to claim a set of class-based Super +9 and Full Elements +4 bound equipment, including Helmet, Necklace, Armlet, Boots, and weapons. |
40-Star Kitty Selection Box (B) | Open it to choose a 40-star Dreamy Cat that has mastered any Inspired Skill or 188 PPs. |
Brilliant Merit Box (B) | Determine based on the current character's gender. |
Eudemon Growth Box (B) | Open to receive a Eudemon Crystal (B), a Eudemon Clover (B) and a Reborn Crystal (B) every day. Expires 30 days after your first open. |
Luxury Fire Flame Box (B) | It`s a luxurious treasure chest with mysterious magic energy, containing 50 Pure Fire Flames. (It cannot be traded) |